Marsha Yachting and That’s Amore: A Lasting Commitment to Capri and Solidarity

For the third consecutive year, Marsha Yachting srl renews its commitment to That’s Amore, participating as a web partner in the event. The association of entrepreneurs and the Neapolitan shipping agency are once again joining forces to offer Capri a high-profile festival, which, through events organized at different times of the year, even outside the high season, aims to raise funds for the Soleterre Onlus foundation and bring a smile to those in need. In this interview, Simone Foglia, a member of the Marsha Yachting team, helps us learn more about this reality and the motivations behind the renewal of this important collaboration.
Marsha Yachting srl is the Neapolitan shipping agency specializing in offering services to ships and yachts, for both commanders and crew, as well as passengers. Can you tell us its story?
Marsha Yachting srl was founded by its owner, Marsha Turola, who, after a long experience in the maritime world, decided to focus exclusively on yachts. The aim was and is to provide impeccable 24/7 assistance, forged on high standards and a broad network of available services, capable of overcoming any challenge.
What are the most important services that Marsha Yachting offers to its clients?
Marsha Yachting offers a wide range of high-quality services, which are continually increasing, in order to meet any type of request. The most loved and requested services by our clients are undoubtedly those customized to their needs, in addition to standard services such as provisions, concierge services, and technical assistance.
What is your geographic area of reference?
Our geographic area mainly concerns Campania, its lush coasts, and its wonderful islands. However, our assistance does not stop here, as we are able to reach a large part of the European Community, thanks to a dense network of relationships built over time.
How did your involvement in the That’s Amore Capri event come about?
Capri has always been an integral part of our company, from the beginning until today. It is a well-established destination, highly sought after by our clients who love the abundance of nature, its restaurants, and shopping streets. The strong bond with the island, the seriousness and high profile of the event, and especially the charitable purpose led Marsha to embark on this collaboration, which has now lasted several years.
What positive impact do you believe the event can have on Capri?
I strongly believe that this initiative can represent a decisive factor in promoting the international growth of the tourism offering related to the island of Capri. Through the creation and development of high-profile cultural events, it is indeed possible to attract a wider and more diverse audience; at the same time, these charitable initiatives, which are designed to generate a positive impact on society, provide tangible support to those in difficult and needy situations. In this way, the island of Capri will be able to establish itself not only as a destination of beauty and tourist attraction but also as a place of social and human value, thus contributing to a broader framework of global responsibility and solidarity.

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