Terrestrial Caves

Grotta del Castiglione

Together with the Grotta dell’Arco, under the slopes of Monte Solaro, the Grotta del Castiglione is one of the largest caves on the island. Venerated by the Romans who considered it the Grotto of the Great Mother. A ff approaching the bay of Marina Piccola, it opens up like a vast cave just below the hill on which the famous castle of the same name stands, once used by the Emperor Tiberius as a second home.

The cave boasts 60 meters in length and 100 in height and can be reached starting from via Roma, going up the carriage road of via Castiglione.

At the top you will find a gate where you will often find a sign with no entry, as the path is quite inaccessible and there is a danger of falling rocks. Finding yourself in front of this huge cavity you are amazed, as if it were a timeless place, a lunar landscape. The nature of the cavity has various compressed and friable layers, and inside there are remains of Roman masonry and the existence of an old cistern, almost as if it were once used as a nymphaeum for the villa above. Later it was used as a stronghold by the inhabitants of Capri during the pirate raids in medieval times. In the 1920s, Giorgio Cerio, who became the owner, had the ancient cistern restored and the construction of a long staircase that connected the cavity to Via Krupp began.

Unfortunately, today this passage is unusable due to the erosive action of the water.

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