
The best experiences for your holiday on Capri.
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Culinary excellence at the table.

Beach Clubs

A dip in the sea of Capri.


Book, without fees.


The best experiences on Capri.

Capri Wedding

The best moment of your life in Capri.

Tours in Capri

Discover the island’s most hidden beauties.

Taverna Anema&Core

Glamour soul, beating heart.

Scooter Rental

Renting a scooter on Capri.

Real Estate Agency

The pioneer of dental aesthetics.

Dott. Flavio Naddeo

Il pioniere dell’estetica dentale.

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Hotels, guest-houses, restaurants and much more for your holiday on Capri.
Unpublished content, curiosities and anecdotes on the history of Capri.

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