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Ritratti Capresi

Interview with Eng. Giuseppe Aprea, new member of the association That’s Love Capri

The association That’s Amore Capri is made up of local entrepreneurs who have always been involved in philanthropic activities. Their commitment and dedication makes it possible to create unique events, which give great emotions to the participants and bring value to the island. We had the pleasure of interviewing the engineer Giuseppe Aprea, the last who decided to join the cause, who told us about his experience and activities of the association.

How did you meet That’s Love capri?

“My meeting with the association took place in a very natural way. Valerio Pagano, one of the founding members and artistic director of the show, told me about the activities of That’s Love Capri; I was immediately fascinated by what had already been achieved, the potential of the association and the commitment of its members. All these reasons led me to join this great team”.

Why did you join the project?

“The main reason that led me to join the association was obviously the beneficial purpose of the project. To this, however, we also added the fact that we met a team of special people, who daily show great passion and professionalism in the activities they carry out, and with whom it is really a pleasure to collaborate”.

Is there a moment in the past that you remember with more interest?

“Even if I was not yet part of the association, I followed the events of the exhibition from the beginning, also because I already collaborated with my company AGI srl, regarding the technical and project part, preparing the forms to be presented to the authorities. The event that I remember with greater emotion is the one made at La Canzone del Mare, on the occasion of the edition 0, with Paolo Ruffini and the boys of the Company Mayor Von Frinzius. It was a magical evening, where the energy and passion of these boys touched the hearts of all those present”.

What do you expect from this year’s event?

“This year we have a really rich program, full of interesting events and that will last until December. Now it’s about pulling up your sleeves and working together to achieve the greatest success”.

What added value do you think the show can bring to Capri?

“I think the most important lesson that we leave this review is to show us how doing charity does good first to those who make it and then to those who receive it. It helps you to empathize with people’s problems, to understand situations with which you may not be directly in contact, and to develop a greater sensitivity and social awareness”.

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