Nature Walks

Belvedere Cannone

On the strategic position of this plateau, between sea, sky and silence, you can admire the Faraglioni, the Scoglio delle Sirene, the Certosa, the Gardens of Augustus and the Grotta delle Felci with its inimitable echo of seagulls. It was here that the British placed a cannon in 1808 to defend the southern sector of the island.

In the twentieth century and during the stay of the large colony of German artists, who stopped there to paint, it took the name of Mahler Platte (Piazzetta dei Pittori). Little frequented by tourists and not recommended by guides, but a must see, a breathtaking viewpoint, a real dip to the heart.

Reaching this viewpoint you pass by many historical and literary villas (Castello, Mura, Ca del Sole) which were the good retreat of artists and painters who with their works created the myth of Capri in the nineteenth century.

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Guide for your holiday in Capri, with itineraries and insights for your stay on the island.