Aperitif in Capri at Maliblù: cocktails, Mediterranean flavors and breathtaking sunsets

In recent years, the moment of the aperitivo has become a real social ritual, an occasion for meeting and sharing that ranges beyond the simple consumption of drinks and appetizers. On Capri, many venues are taking advantage of this trend, thanks in part to the beautiful locations from which to enjoy the sunset, the time of day when aperitifs are typically consumed. A pioneer among the island’s venues on this front has certainly been Maliblù; it was their owners who told us how they managed to turn aperitif time into a must-go appointment for many Capri residents and tourists.

“Our family’s adventure actually began in 1970,” explains Nello D’Esposito, ”when Ercole, my father, a builder, decided to build Lido del Faro, in an area of the island that had not yet been urbanized. Before that, there was nothing but a small inn, not even a road; therefore, it was an innovative and courageous act, carried out by a man who was definitely far-sighted. Since that date, the bathhouse has always been family-run. Initially, the facility was quite different from how it can be seen today: in 1977, following a sea storm that had completely razed it to the ground the previous year, it was totally rebuilt in a more modern key.”

Maliblù’s history, however, is much more recent, and it is Nello’s son Gianmaria who tells us about it. “In the mid-1990s, my family decided to build the venue next to the Lighthouse Lido, where there was previously a kiosk. In just a few years, Maliblù has become one of the most popular lounge bars on Capri, especially famous for its splendid aperitifs by the sea at sunset. Every day, customers can sip our drinks with background music, while on Sundays we also offer them the chance to enjoy a DJ set.”

From being a pioneer of sunset aperitifs on Capri to a real trendy place, the step has been short: “In the last 15 years in particular, this formula has evolved to become almost a real ritual for the people of Capri. Ours is an environment frequented in particular by young people, who see our aperitif almost as an event that attracts people from all over the island. The cocktails that are most popular among customers are certainly the more classic ones, such as the very famous spritz, but we also make cocktails revisited by us, such as the Capri Mule, with limoncello, lime juice, ginger beer and mint. Accompanying our cocktails are of course tempting one-bite-style appetizers, such as small tapas or tacos to enjoy the flavors of the Mediterranean.”


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