Among the stars of Dentecala: haute cuisine returns to Da Tonino restaurant with Chefs Aprea and Viel, under the sign of That’s Amore

New appointment with taste at Da Tonino restaurant. On Sunday, September 22, chef Salvatore Aprea reopens the doors of his restaurant for a new collaboration under the banner of haute cuisine. Chef Arnaud Viel of La Renaissance restaurant will be the guest of honor for an evening that promises to be a must for all lovers of good food and who want to live a unique gastronomic experience.


Chef Viel, who made it to the finals of the 1996 Dessert Championship and 1997 Lauréat d’Or in France, exercises his bold creativity at the Renaissance hotel without ever completely upsetting traditions, while the Wine List is carefully selected by his wife Cécilia.


“The September 22 event,” Salvatore explains, ”is part of the gastronomic review Fra le stelle di Dentecala promoted by Da Tonino restaurant in collaboration with That’s Amore Capri. Arnaud and I met at an event organized by the Pro Loco of Trento, the Autumnus festival, a kermesse in which hundreds of Trentino companies gathered in the city center to offer tastings, insights, workshops, show cooking and more. It was friend and colleague Chris Oberhammer who introduced us to each other, and I’m glad our meeting led to this collaboration.”


The Sept. 22 four-hands menu will feature the two chefs taking turns with their creations at the table. It will begin with Sea Bass, Lemon Confit, Fennel and Caviar proposed by Chef Arnaud Viel, followed by Octopus, chickling peas, tomato and caramelized onion and Cappellacci di galletto, potatoes and mushrooms by Chef Salvatore Aprea. Again, guests will enjoy Lamb confit, seaweed, iodized sauce, eggplant and kumquat by Chef Arnaud Viel and close the dinner with Chef Salvatore Aprea’s Artemis & Peach Rice.

Accompanying these delicacies will be excellent wines, thanks to the collaboration with two wineries from two regions at the extremes of our peninsula: Piedmont’s L’Autin and Salvo Foti’s Sicilian I Vigneri. “As always, it is my brother who takes care of the wine offerings at the dinner; for the occasion we have involved two important realities of the sector, whose products perfectly match the high quality of the gastronomic offerings that Arnaud and I have designed for our guests.” So it is that L’Autin will bring to the table a Piemonte Pas Dosé Eli M. C. ’19, a Verbian ’21 and a Passi di Gio ’19; Salvo Foti’s I Vigneri, on the other hand, a Vinudilice ’23 and an I Vigneri ’23.


But the real secret ingredient of the evening will be the synergy between the two chefs, who will work together to offer guests the opportunity to enjoy refined preparations in a unique atmosphere. “From the first time we met, a relationship of mutual esteem was immediately born between Arnaud and me. We spent two days together working side by side, and we even became friends … despite the obvious communication difficulties, since we do not speak the same language! But, fortunately, cooking is a universal language, and the passion for what we do transcends any barrier or border.” 


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